The Deputy Head of Department roles provide a career path for experienced academics who wish to advance their academic excellence in a chosen specialist subject through high quality output, and who under the direction of the Head of Department, can make a significant personal and team contribution to the developing reputation of their department in line with the University’s academic strategic objectives. The new Deputy Head of Department will support the Head of Department in providing strong leadership, implement strategic policy and ensure that the highest possible standards of excellence are achieved. Under the direction of the Head of Department, the Deputy Head of Department will manage, lead, and effectively deploy a team of academic staff within the Department who individually and collectively contribute to the on-going development of an academically stimulating environment aligned to the strategic direction of the Faculty.
Line management responsibilities will be divided across the Head of Department/Deputy Heads of Department with a view to ensuring an appropriate number of direct reports with relevant alignment.
A bespoke and comprehensive programme of development and support will be available for successful appointees. The programme will be framed in the context of the University’s strategic plan, BU2025.
This post is available on a fixed-term basis for 5 years.
You will be qualified to Doctoral level or be able to demonstrate the ability to create and disseminate knowledge at an equivalent level and the capability to convert this knowledge into a doctorate in a maximum of 3-5 years from date of appointment. You will be research active and committed to a culture of academic excellence and continuous improvement.
For further information and discussion, please contact Catherine Angell [email protected]